4.1 Formation Cinématique pour les concepteurs avec Simcenter Motion

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With the kinematic analysis of mechanisms (multi-body simulation / MBS), valuable information about the movement behavior of the system can be collected in the early development phase.

For example, toe and camber angles of chassis, steering angles and spring positions can be calculated and displayed graphically, and collision checks and movement space analyzes can be carried out.

With the Simcenter Motion module from Siemens NX, motion models can be built directly from modeled 3D assemblies or based on principle sketches (skeleton model) and analyzed in relation to the theory of solid-state systems. The training enables the user to independently build complex mechanisms as kinematic models in the motion environment and to evaluate and, if necessary, optimize them for a wide variety of requirements. All content is applied and understood using clear examples.

For further calculations, taking into account the dynamics, we offer the advanced training "Multi-body dynamics". Both training courses can also be booked as a package.


2 days


- Knowledge of parametric CAD modeling with NX
- Basic knowledge of technical mechanics


- Introduction to multi-body simulation (MBS) with NX / Simcenter Motion
- Mechanical basics of MBS
- Solution types in NX / Simcenter Motion
- Structure of the mechanism (moving body, joints, drives)
- Solver (NX Motion, Simcenter Motion, RecurDyn, Adams)
- Evaluation of results
     - animation
     - Presentation of results in graphs
     - Controlled movement definition (articulation)
     - Collision checks and determination of the collision volume
     - measurements
     - Movement space analysis
     - Evaluation of forces
- Documentation and archiving

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